+246 434-4880
Products & Documents
CCDM2 Project
CDM Sector Resources
CDM Strategy Documents
Climate Change Adaptation
DIPECHO Caribbean Projects
Disaster Risk Management
DRR Country Profiles
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
EKACDM Outputs
EWS Toolkit
Risk Knowledge
Hazard Monitoring & Forcasting
Dissemination/Communication of Alerts
Response Capacity
Case Studies
Guidance Tools
Model Documents
Safe Schools Projects
Shock Responsive Social Protection
Reports & Notes
Situation Reports
2010 - 2015
2016 - 2020
Information notes
2010 - 2015
2016 - 2020
What is CHARIM?
The Authors of CHARIM
Methodology Book
1 Introduction
1.1 Objectives of this book
1.2 How to use this book
2 Analysing hazards
2.1 Introduction to hazards
2.2 Historical events
2.3 Rainfall analysis
3 Flood hazards
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Scales of analysis
3.3 Flash flood modelling
3.4 Fluvial flood modelling
4 Landslide hazards
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Scales of Analysis
4.3 Landslide susceptibility at the national scale
5 Risk assessment
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Characterization of assets
5.3 Vulnerability
5.4 Multi-hazards risk
5.5 Risk assessment methods
6 Risk reduction planning
6.1 Cost-benefit Analysis
6.2 Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation
7 land use planning
7.1 Spatial planning
7.2 Comparing legislation and planning frameworks
7.3 Building control
7.4 Conclusions
8 Critical infrastructure
8.1 Location planning
8.2 Road planning
9 Preparedness planning
9.1 Early Warning Systems
9.2 Shelter planning
10 Requirements for TORs
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Composition of a TOR
10.3 Hazard & risk info
10.4 Basic framework TOR for soil survey
Use case book
1 Introduction
1.1 Objectives of this book
1.2 How to use this book
2. Land use planning
2.1 National land use plan
2.2 Local land use planning
2.3 Building construction
2.4 Relocation planning
2.5 Building control
2.6 Land subdivision process
2.7 Flood risk considerations for housing reconstruction
3A. Critical infrastructure
3.1 Planning (re)location
3.1.1 Buildings
3.1.2 Roads
3.2 Design guidelines
3.2.1 Buildings
3.2.2 Roads in flood areas
3.2.3 Roads in landslide areas
3B. Critical Infrastructure
3.3 Structural measures
3.3.1 Buildings & landslides
3.3.2 Buildings & floods
3.3.3 Roads & landslides
3.3.4 Roads & floods
3.3.5 Other critical infrastructure
3.4 Watershed management
3.5 Multi-functional use of space
4. Planning alternatives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Analyze current risk
4.3 Planning alternatives
4.4 Future scenarios
4.5 Alternatives & scenarios
4.6 Decision Support System
5. Preparedness planning
5.1 Flood Early Warning
5.2 Shelter planning
6. Risk assessment
6.1 National multi-hazard exposure analysis
6.2 National flood exposure analysis
6.3 Local coastal flood risk assessment
6.4 Local flashflood risk assessment
7. Exposure and vulnerability
7.1 National vulnerability assessment
7.2 Generating physical vulnerability curves
7.3 Using land use maps
7.4 Mapping buildings from satellite images
7.5 Census data for elements-at-risk
8. Hazard assessment
8.1 Analysing historical data of hazard events
8.2 Analysing rainfall
8.3 National scale landslide susceptibility
8.4 National landslide susceptibility for roads
8.5 National flood hazard assessment
9. Data management
9.1 Homogenize data
9.2 Digital Elevation Models
9.3 Landslide mapping
9.4 Damage from images
9.5 Hazard & loss database
9.6 Data sharing
10. Super Use Case: St Lucia Flood modelling
Data Management Book
1 Introduction
1.1 Objectives of this book
1.2 How to use this book
2 Data requirements
2.2 Flood data
2.3 Landslide data
3 Base data collection
3.2 Digital Elevation Models
3.3 Satellite data
3.4 Land cover maps
3.5 Geological maps
3.6 Soil maps
4 Hazard related data
4.2 Disaster databases
4.3 Landslide inventories
5 Elements-at-risk data
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Building footprint maps
5.3 Population data
5.4 Road maps
6 Managing Geospatial data
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Data projections
6.3 Data homogenization
6.4 Accuracy and precision
6.5 Metadata requirements
7 Sharing geospatial data
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Collaboration framework
7.3 Open data policies
7.4 Data standards
7.5 Technical tool: GeoNode
7.6 Other tools
Country Data
Information about...
Legislation and planning
Historical disasters
Information about...
Legislation and planning
Historical disasters
Information about...
Legislation and planning
Historical disasters
Saint Lucia
Information about...
Legislation and planning
Historical disasters
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
Information about...
Legislation and planning
Historical disasters
Partners & Donors
Guidance Tools
Within this section are resources that serve as standard guides for Participating States to develop various tools towards creating and implementing policies and initiatives for disaster risk management.
Adaptation Guide For the Model Comprehensive Disaster Management Legislation
CDEMA Standard for Exercise Planning Execution & Evaluation Part 2 – Tsunami and Earthquake Drills
CDEMA Regional Emergency Telecommunications Plan
CDM: A Model National Comprehensive Disaster Management Policy for Caribbean Countries
Central Standard Operating Procedures for the Sub-Regional Coordinating Center
Community Selection Criteria for Improved Levels of Community Preparedness
Guidelines For The Preparation of Country Work Programme: How to Prepare a Country Work Programme
Model Standard Operating Procedures for The Sub-Regional Coordinating Center
Results Based Management Approach- Workshop Manual for Participants
Integration of Sexual & Reproductive Health & Gender-Based Violence Considerations in Emergency Shelters
CDM: A Model National Comprehensive Disaster Management Policy for Caribbean Countries
Community Vulnerability & Risk Assessment
Government of the British Virgin Islands: Handbook for Homeowner
Southern Standard Operating Procedures
The CDEMA Sub-Regional Warehousing Guidelines
Code de pratique pour la construction de maisons: Manuel du formateur
Guidelines for Emergency Communications Assessment
Kòd pratik pou konstriksyon kay: Yon liv pou fé fòmasyon pou fòmann ak bòs mason ki eksperimante
Regional Roadmap for Urban Seismic Risk Management in the Caribbean 2016
Protocol for the Integrated Protection of Children and Adolescents in Disaster Situations for the Caribbean
Code of Practice for Construction of Houses: Manual for Foremen & Experienced Artisans : Students Manual
Guidelines For The Conduct Of The National Plans Review Process In CDEMA Participating States
Kòd pratik pou konstriksyon kay: Yon liv pou fé fòmasyon pou fòmann ak bòs mason ki gen eksperyans
Results Based Management Approach- Workshop Manual for Facilitators
Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems: A Checklist
Products & Documents
CCDM2 Project
CDM Sector Resources
CDM Strategy Documents
Climate Change Adaptation
DIPECHO Caribbean Projects
Disaster Risk Management
DRR Country Profiles
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
EKACDM Outputs
EWS Toolkit
Risk Knowledge
Hazard Monitoring & Forcasting
Dissemination/Communication of Alerts
Response Capacity
Case Studies
Guidance Tools
Model Documents
Safe Schools Projects
Shock Responsive Social Protection
Reports & Notes
Situation Reports
2010 - 2015
2016 - 2020
Information notes
2010 - 2015
2016 - 2020
What is CHARIM?
The Authors of CHARIM
Methodology Book
1 Introduction
1.1 Objectives of this book
1.2 How to use this book
2 Analysing hazards
2.1 Introduction to hazards
2.2 Historical events
2.3 Rainfall analysis
3 Flood hazards
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Scales of analysis
3.3 Flash flood modelling
3.4 Fluvial flood modelling
4 Landslide hazards
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Scales of Analysis
4.3 Landslide susceptibility at the national scale
5 Risk assessment
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Characterization of assets
5.3 Vulnerability
5.4 Multi-hazards risk
5.5 Risk assessment methods
6 Risk reduction planning
6.1 Cost-benefit Analysis
6.2 Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation
7 land use planning
7.1 Spatial planning
7.2 Comparing legislation and planning frameworks
7.3 Building control
7.4 Conclusions
8 Critical infrastructure
8.1 Location planning
8.2 Road planning
9 Preparedness planning
9.1 Early Warning Systems
9.2 Shelter planning
10 Requirements for TORs
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Composition of a TOR
10.3 Hazard & risk info
10.4 Basic framework TOR for soil survey
Use case book
1 Introduction
1.1 Objectives of this book
1.2 How to use this book
2. Land use planning
2.1 National land use plan
2.2 Local land use planning
2.3 Building construction
2.4 Relocation planning
2.5 Building control
2.6 Land subdivision process
2.7 Flood risk considerations for housing reconstruction
3A. Critical infrastructure
3.1 Planning (re)location
3.1.1 Buildings
3.1.2 Roads
3.2 Design guidelines
3.2.1 Buildings
3.2.2 Roads in flood areas
3.2.3 Roads in landslide areas
3B. Critical Infrastructure
3.3 Structural measures
3.3.1 Buildings & landslides
3.3.2 Buildings & floods
3.3.3 Roads & landslides
3.3.4 Roads & floods
3.3.5 Other critical infrastructure
3.4 Watershed management
3.5 Multi-functional use of space
4. Planning alternatives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Analyze current risk
4.3 Planning alternatives
4.4 Future scenarios
4.5 Alternatives & scenarios
4.6 Decision Support System
5. Preparedness planning
5.1 Flood Early Warning
5.2 Shelter planning
6. Risk assessment
6.1 National multi-hazard exposure analysis
6.2 National flood exposure analysis
6.3 Local coastal flood risk assessment
6.4 Local flashflood risk assessment
7. Exposure and vulnerability
7.1 National vulnerability assessment
7.2 Generating physical vulnerability curves
7.3 Using land use maps
7.4 Mapping buildings from satellite images
7.5 Census data for elements-at-risk
8. Hazard assessment
8.1 Analysing historical data of hazard events
8.2 Analysing rainfall
8.3 National scale landslide susceptibility
8.4 National landslide susceptibility for roads
8.5 National flood hazard assessment
9. Data management
9.1 Homogenize data
9.2 Digital Elevation Models
9.3 Landslide mapping
9.4 Damage from images
9.5 Hazard & loss database
9.6 Data sharing
10. Super Use Case: St Lucia Flood modelling
Data Management Book
1 Introduction
1.1 Objectives of this book
1.2 How to use this book
2 Data requirements
2.2 Flood data
2.3 Landslide data
3 Base data collection
3.2 Digital Elevation Models
3.3 Satellite data
3.4 Land cover maps
3.5 Geological maps
3.6 Soil maps
4 Hazard related data
4.2 Disaster databases
4.3 Landslide inventories
5 Elements-at-risk data
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Building footprint maps
5.3 Population data
5.4 Road maps
6 Managing Geospatial data
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Data projections
6.3 Data homogenization
6.4 Accuracy and precision
6.5 Metadata requirements
7 Sharing geospatial data
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Collaboration framework
7.3 Open data policies
7.4 Data standards
7.5 Technical tool: GeoNode
7.6 Other tools
Country Data
Information about...
Legislation and planning
Historical disasters
Information about...
Legislation and planning
Historical disasters
Information about...
Legislation and planning
Historical disasters
Saint Lucia
Information about...
Legislation and planning
Historical disasters
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines
Information about...
Legislation and planning
Historical disasters
Partners & Donors