Youth In CDM Speakers
Youth in CDM
You Asked... We Listened!!
During the 9th Caribbean Conference on Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM), the CDEMA CU facilitated a one-day conference where twelve young enthusiastic individuals representing eleven (11) of its Participating States, developed a resolution which served as the basis upon which the Youth in CDM Program (YCP) was created.
The general aim of the YCP at the Caribbean Conferences on CDM is to afford youth delegates from CDEMA Participating States the opportunity to engage with the political, socio-economic, scientific and cultural aspects of disaster management. The sessions seek to provide an avenue for young people to expand their knowledge in the area of disaster management, climate change and the environment. The challenge is to maintain youth interest and commitment to community service by showing them the benefits to be derived from such engagement both to the community they are serving and to themselves.
There are six (6) specific objectives which have been designed to achieve the general aim for the involvement of youth delegates during the conferences. The objectives are as follows:
• To facilitate discourse and debate regarding the political issues which can support the progress of the CDM Strategy and successful improvements in resilience.
• To promote CDM within targeted communities of Youth in the CDM Conference Host Country through outreach activities which place emphasis on reducing the risks and vulnerabilities posed by natural and man-made hazards to youth and children
• To expand the cadre of CDM youth educated in the areas of leadership, communication and civic activism
• To emphasise the roles of scientific research, innovation and technology in building community resilience and adaptive capacity to natural hazards, man-made hazards and climate change
• To showcase innovative contributions by youth in supporting CDM delivery
• To promote Caribbean integration using performing and visual arts to portray the cultures of the respective countries of youth delegates