Project Objectives

Project Objective

To strengthen regional, national and community level capacity for mitigation, management and coordinated response to natural and technological hazards and the effects of climate change.

Project Outcomes

  1. Improved coordination and collaboration between community disaster organisations and other research/data partners including climate change entities for undertaking comprehensive disaster risk management
  2. Enhanced community awareness and knowledge on disaster management and climate change adaptation procedures
  3. Enhanced preparedness and response capacity (technical and managerial) for sub-regional and local level management and response

Major Outputs

  1. A regional programme for integration of climate change in the disaster risk reduction agenda
  2. A regional plan of action for implementing the climate change and disaster risk reduction programme
  3. A community-based disaster management planning programme incorporating climate change
  4. An operational regional mechanism for coordination of community based disaster management initiatives
  5. The strengthening of CDEMA’s Sub-Regional Disaster Emergency Response Operational Units for enhanced response coordination

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