Objective & Components

The objective of the project was to develop and adopt a Regional Public Good (RPG) that is a regional risk management framework for the tourism sector in the Caribbean that contributes to the overall goal of reducing the vulnerability of the tourism sector to natural hazards.
The project had two components. Component One supported the preparation of a Strategy and Action Plan for Disaster Risk Management, as well as the Development of Standards for Conducting Hazard Mapping, Vulnerability Assessment and Economic Valuation for Risk Assessment for the Tourism Sector.

Component Two of the project supported capacity development of CDEMA staff, as well as the National Tourism Organizations (NTOs) of the CTO.

Also under Component Two, the IDB funded operation also supported the provision of a Technical Officer to facilitate the development of DRM for the Tourism Sector. Preparation of an M&E framework/baseline data gathering mechanism, to assist with project monitoring and evaluation was also funded.

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