Monitoring & Evaluation

The monitoring and evaluation of the project was the responsibility of the IDB, through its Country Office in Barbados.

Progress and Final Reports
The executing agency was responsible for preparing: (i) an initial work plan with a detailed schedule of activities; (ii) progress reports, to follow a pre-approved Bank format, due on May 31 and November 30 of each year detailing the activities for the previous period, problems found and how they were dealt with, and a plan of activities for the next six months, and; (iii) a final report within three (3) months of the end of execution of the project detailing the development of the project, lessons learned and conclusions reached. Key project documents have been included in the web sites of CDEMA, CTO and the IDB.

A consultant was engaged by CDEMA to establish a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework starting with the collection of baseline data for the project. Based on discussions with selected project stakeholders, the consultant developed baseline indicators and benchmarks prior to the commencement of project activities. This work will serve as the basis for the external evaluations to be undertaken for the project.

A midterm evaluation of the project was completed and a final evaluation will concentrate on project execution, results and sustainability. The IDB will be responsible for contracting the evaluations. The intermediate and final evaluations will serve as input for the preparation of an overall evaluation of the Regional Public Good Initiative.

Audit Reporting
In addition, CDEMA has arranged for an independent audit of the project.

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